简介:揭露食物浪费的纪录片《Wasted! The Story Of Food Waste》发布预告,多名“厨神”如安东尼·波登、马雷欧·巴塔利等出镜,痛陈浪费食物的现状和危害:在美国40%的食物会被浪费,它们也是破坏生态的温室效应的气体最大来源之一等。而其实很多被人们唾弃的“垃圾”,可以变成好吃的食物。
简介:Captures the frantic rush to the local hospital, the public chaos that ensued, the quickly mobilized manhunt by law enforcement looking for a suspect
简介:This ground-breaking series tells the story of Europe in six glossy episodes exploring different chapters of its eventful history. It’s a journey thro
简介:En deux décennies, il a hissé ses talons vertigineux et ses semelles rouges au sommet de la mode. à la faveur de l’exposition que lui consacre le pala